Page name: the day that never comes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-29 14:57:17
Last author: shadows of life
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 8
D20: 2
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The Day That Never Comes

The Plot

The year is 2009, mutant rights have fallen dramaticly, by law they are required to be registered wtih the govermnent but very few if any follow this law. Rivalries are growing ever stronger and normal people are getting more and more restless about the mutant "problem" many have resorted to violence in an effort to eliminate the mutants even when they have done nothing to deserve the violence. Mutant blood flows freely while the government turns a blind eye, some of the mutants which to eradicate the humans, to exterminate them, other mutants however our joining forces with the common people in an effort to prove that they are not all the same and that mutants deserve and need to be treated like the rest of the people.
Peace is something that many fear will never come...

The Rules

1. This is indeed an X-Men rpg so you MUST have a mutation [note: you can be any character from the comics, tv shows, movies, or just make up your own]
2. None of the characters know each other yet
3. Not a chat wiki gah
4. All sex must be under detalied or go to GAH what the hell?!

GAH what the hell?!?!? NEWNESS for new stories xD

5. INVITE PEOPLE...damnit that means you kitty >_< :D
6. -,- no killing off characters
7. no making it so characters can't fight back -,-
NEW RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! characters who are not active for 30 days will be deleted date starting 02/15/10

more rules may or may not be coming


Wolvie's the day that never comes peoples

[same as kitty :D]

Wolvie's Characters
Logan ~ Mutant, male, unknown, ya know his powers
James Hetfield ~ Mutant, Male, 45, he can change to a wolf at will
Bruce Dickinson ~ Mutant, Male, 50, can turn to a wolf at will, he can heal others however doing this takes a huge strain on himself and he needs to rest for several days after doing it, also he age's very slowly so even though he's 50 he only apears to be in his 20's
Nina Christianson Dickinson ~ Mutant, Female, 16, she can turn into a cute kitty at will and is a neko naturally but Bruce bought her a special collar that hides her true form
Maxwell Carrigan ~ Mutant, Male, 17, He can make anybody do whatever he wants >:D

kitty's the day that never comes characters

[just cause i figured they were takin up a lot of space :D]

Kitty's Characters
Gackt Camui - mutant, male, twenty-one
Tiki - husky puppy
Rogue - mutant, female, sixteen
Damien & Derek - demon, male, millions of years old but looks twenty, twins
Shinya - mutant, male, twenty
Rikku - sorceress, female, 30

Name:Heatra Kasshu
History:very strait forward and speaks his mind.
Mutation:can turn oxygen into fire.

Name: Isaac [Can’t remember his last name, need to find profile at home]
Age: 17
Personality: Silent, very quiet sometimes, cheerful, happy, bloodthirsty[When hungry]
Past Story: Unkown, he will not speak of it….to anyone he does not trust
Mutation: Vampiric powers, sucking of blood, on occasion he’ll eat raw meat, enhanced senses and strength, and regenerative powers(duh), crawling on walls, hates the sunlight, can't die in it...but fucking HATES it.

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2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya nods, "alright bruce"

2009-09-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Reita watched him, changing back into human form

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nods and starts walking

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo frowned, "He ok?"

Shinya shrugged.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce sighs and keeps walking, K if I can find Gackt I'll try and talk with him...

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt had detoured a bit and sat in the park looking around.

2009-09-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Reita ran his fingures over his hair.

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo, "ooh imma go ^^"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce heads for the park, he spots Gackt and walks over, "hey"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt looks up, "hey"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce sits down by him, "do you need to talk?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes his head, "No...i had to do what i had to do i couldnt keep hurting myself and waiting..."

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "I understand that mate I really do...I just wish that I knew how to help...has he said anything to you?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "he gave me a fuckin letter saying why but it made it pretty clear that he wasnt going to try and let anyone help him and that that was the reason we couldnt be..." he sighed.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce cringes back slightly from Gackt and frowns, lowering his shoulders, "try writing him one maybe..." he says kinda quietly, not wanting to get Gackt angry

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "telling him what? how it hurts to know he likes me but wont let me help while he wastes his time with other girls knowing they wont bring him the happiness i could?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce winces and backs away farther from Gackt, "just trying to help..."

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighed, "sorry for snipping i just i dont know what hurts worse being there for him or hurting him..."

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce, "it's ok...I just want to try and help...'

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs, "Nothin ya can do"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce, "What if I talk to him?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugged, "you can try but he's a stubborn ass"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles a little, "Oh well"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt cant help but smile back, "thanks for tryin to help anyway"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Your welcome now I'll be back" he says then gets up and heads back to James'

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods and looks around at the duckies :D

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce gets there and knocks on the door

James growls, pretending to be asleep

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighed but still found the duckies brought him happiness.

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max looked around town walking as a wolf

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo pounced Max x3

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max yelped and jumped

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo jumped and got up quickl v.v "sorries"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max snifed at Kyo, "What where you trying to do?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo shrugged, "Just pounce"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce growls and shifts to his wolf form, using the doggy door to get inside

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt stretched then headed home laying down.

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Oh"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce and James get into a big fight then Bruce heads back home, shaking slightly as his nose bleeds from something James threw at him

James just lays there and shakes two

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo, "sorries again"

shinya, "oh bruce what happened?"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged, "Its OK, Im Max."

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo smiled, "Im kyo"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes and goes to Shinya, "That fucking James..."

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail, "Cool never heard that name before.":

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo giggled, "why thank you"

Shinya, "oh poor baby" he gets a towel pressing it lightly to Bruce's nose to stop the bleeding, "Maybe its better for Gackt to find someone doesnt seem like James' is too good for anyone"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce winces but holds still for Shinya, "I don't know but I tried to talk with him and he just got pissed and threw something at me...I didn't even see what it was..fuckin bastard"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya, "Maybe we're goin about this all wrong maybe it should be gackt who talks to him..."

Gackt frowned ?i gotta at least let him know the truth... he heads back to James knocking on his door.

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Maybe" he shakes and leans against Shinya

James sighs, "Come in"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo smiled, "So where ya goin?"

Shinya held Bruce close gently rubbing his back.

Gackt walked in, "Hey there"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged, "I don't know find a place to sleep or find some thing to eat."

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo, "I have extra rooms if you need somewhere"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce slowly relaxes, "I just hate it Shinya...all the fighting and" he shakes his head and leans against him more, taking comfort from him

James looks over, "Oh hi..."

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya gently caresses his face, "then we stay out of it"

Gackt, "I lied...i dont have a boyfriend every date i went on i compared them to you...and they just couldnt do better...i just said it so that i could put a barrier between us i was tired of hurting myself for you and knowing that you'd never want me...i want to help you but you have to let me and you wont..."

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail, "You do :D"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo nodded, "I do"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Your right Shinya"

James frowns and listens to Gackt, staying quiet for a minute, "I want the help..."

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: MAx smiled, "If you dont mind I whould."

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya nuzzled him.

Gackt walked over, "then let me...if you dont want to talk to a psychiatrist i'll listen if you want we could take it slow" he gently took James' hand, "Im here for you i really am"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo smiled back, "follow me"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nuzzles back

James looks at him, trying to hide his fear of the unknown, "I'll hurt you though...I already just hurt that Dickinson when he came and tried to talk...I don't want to hurt you two..."

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Ok."

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya, "better?"

Gackt, 'i'll be fine i promise"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo smiled heading to his home.

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max fallowed wagging his tail

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo, "my humble abode ^^ is now your humble abode :D"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Much better"

James, "Well...alright I trust you"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiles back, "good ^^"

Gackt nods and smiles, "good"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled, "Yay a abode"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nods and snuggles close to him

James smiles back softly

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo smiled back, "any room you want you can have ^^"

Shinya snuggles back.

Gackt, "K then so what do you want to do?"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Any room?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kyo nods, "yes"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce yawns sleepily

James, "I'm not sure...anything that you want to do"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at his shocked

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya, "get some sleep love"

Gackt kissed James lightly, "I dont want to rush you"

Kyo, "what?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce nods and falls into a light sleep

James kisses back, "I know and I can't do much I'm still real sore"

2009-09-17 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged, "I cant belive you :O"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled falling asleep

Gackt blushed lightly when James kissed him back, "then rest"

Kyo, "why?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James nods, "I'll try but now I feel kinda guilty...can you hand me a pen and paper?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods handing James a pen and piece of paper.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles, "Thanks" he says then starts writting

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back, "welcome"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James writes for awhile then nods, "Do me a favor and go take this to Bruce's just put it in the mailbox or something"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods then heads over to Bruce's and knocks on his door.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James waits for Gackt to come back

Bruce curls up more sleepily, not wanting to get up

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled and gently pulled away from Bruce to answer the door, "hey there"

Gackt smiled, "well this is from James to Bruce he wanted him to get it" he handed over the letter.

Shinya nodded, "k ^^" then gently closed the door and went back to Bruce curling up with him, "Hey sweetie Gackt delivered a letter for you from James"

Gackt nodded and headed back to Jame's house.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles sleepily, "Really?"

James, "Thanks Gackt"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "welcome James"

Shinya smiles back, "yes really do you wanna read it or wait til after you've rested?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James sits up slowly and stretches a little, "I owe you one"

Bruce, "I'll read it now'

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "No ya dont"

Shinya nods handing him the note, "there ya go"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "So why me Gackt? I mean...I'm not a very nice guy..."

Bruce smiles softly and stretches before starting to read it

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "you are a nice guy you just have some issues expressing that sometimes"

Shinya smiled back resting his head on Bruce's shoulder.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "I've got quite alot of issues..."

Bruce nods and folds it up as he finishes reading it, "K then"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles warmly, "and i'll help you through em"

Shinya nuzzled him, "what it say?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James can't help but smile back, "ok...but I'm older then you alot older"

Bruce nuzzles back, curling up tightly against him, "that he's sorry basicly"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs, "so whats 24 yrs between us?"

Shinya smiled, "k then ^^"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James chuckles, "If you say so Gackt"

Bruce smiles back and yawns, "Yeah"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles, "well i do ^^"

shinay nuzzled him, "get some sleep"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles back, "You really think it will work huh?"

Bruce nuzzles back and nods then soon falls back asleep

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods, "i do"

Shinya smiles falling asleep as well.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "Well we'll give it a try"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles, "yay"

Rogue smiled, "K goin out ^^"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles back then looks over at Rogue, "ALright"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods and heads out.

Gackt nods, "k have fun ^^ dont do anything i wouldnt :D"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James tilts his hea at Gackt

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "what? dont give me that look"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles,"your weird"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back, "you love it"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James nods, "Yeah I do"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles, "come now you need your rest if you're gonna get better"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles and curls up sleepily, "Alright"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back, "in your bed not on the couch its not very comfy"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "this couch isn't too bad but fine then help mme up please"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods helping James up and to his bed.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "Thank you Gackt'

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "welcome James now get some rest"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James nods and curls up then looks at Gackt, "Rest with me?" he asks and blushes lightly

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles curling up with James, 'Of course"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles back, "Thank you"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nuzzles him, "anytime"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James blushes lightly but nuzzles him back

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles, "Cute when ya blush ya know that?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "I am?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods, "ya are"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James smiles softly, "Thanks...I think"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back and giggles, "welcome"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James, "What's so funny?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt, "nothin darlin"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James nods and curls up, "Good"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nuzzles him, "yep"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: James nuzzles back and starts to drift to sleep

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles falling asleep as well.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Logan stretches and goes to a park

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue hums softly then gets really bored and jumps in the lake x3

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Logan see's Rogue and raises a brow at her

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue doesnt notice logan right away she giggles and sits on the edge of the lake smiling.

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Logan walks over and chuckles at her

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks back and smiles, "hey there"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "What're you doing?"

2009-09-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "takin a swim ^^"

2009-09-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia looked at Castor,"What would you like to do now..?"

2009-09-17 [wolvie]: Logan smiles at her, "Sounds boring"

Castor smiles, "Go home?"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Sure." Sophia smiled a little

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue smiled back then got up pushing logan into the lake, "Nah its not"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan jumps then chuckles, "Oh your lucky I love you"

Castor smiles back and heads home

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggles, "wha?" she acts innocent.

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia slowed down,"Wait, are we going to your home, or mine...?"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles and splashes her lightly

Castor smiles, "Who's do you want to go to?"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia shrugged a little,"Doesn't matter to me..."

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back and jumps back in splashing him back.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "Love you"

Castor smiles, "I'd like to see your house if you don't mind"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia smiled and nodded, walking with him to her house,"Its not much yet.."

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled, "Love you too" she shivered lightly from the slight breeze.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back then shivers slightly two, "We better get out of this water"

Castor follows her, "I bet it's amazing"

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods, "yea its gettin kinda cold" she smiled as she climbed out of the lake.

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia chuckled,"It's pretty old..."

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods and smiles back, getting out as well, "I can take you home give ya a nice warm bath to get you warmed up if ya want"

Castor smiles and looks around, "It's beautiful"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Thank you..." The yard had a slightly overgrown quality about it, the inside was open for an old victorian, some work had obviously been done

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue chuckled, "at your place? cause im pretty sure james wouldnt let that fly"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Of course at my place and James doesn't have to know now does he?"

Castor smiles, "I really really like it"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia smiled,"I'm glad..."

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shook her head, "no he doesnt and of course im not tellin him" she giggled, "well lets go"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods and takes his jacket off, putting it on Rogue then heading for his home

Castor smiles back and sits on the couch, "So...what's new?"

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue smiled following him.

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia slipped off her shoes and sighed,"I may have to go to London, then Italy, then Canada..."

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back and gets to his home, opening the door for Rogue

Castor drops his smile, " come?"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "There are shows, but I think I'll skip them..." She shook her head a little,"I hate traveling.."

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue walked in and looked around smiling, "nice place ya got logan"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor gently takes her hand, "I'll go with you"

Logan smiles back at her as he walks in, closing the door behind him and kicking his boots off, "Glad you like it"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "You would?" Sohphia asked, hopeful, then she frowned,"But you've just gotten back, I'm sure your dad wants to see you."

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled slipping out of her shoes and his jacket.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor, "He'd understand trust me"

Logan takes his jacket and hangs it up then smiles back, "Follow me" he says and goes to his nice master bathroom

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia bit her lip lightly in thought

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nodded and followed after Logan.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "Well I'll get your bath ready darlin'" he says and turns the water on very warm and puts some bubbles in it

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor squeezes her hand gently, "I want to come with you"

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "ooh bubbles :D"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia smiled a little,"Are you sure?"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "Well hop in there love"

Castor smiles back and nods, "Very sure"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "It would all be within one trip basically...We wouldn't come back her until after Canada, and the press would want to meet you..."

2009-09-18 [shadows of life]: Zuki camera looks down at the city

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back stripping down then gently getting into the tub.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor nods, "And I'd be fine with that"

Logan pretends to look away while really watching her strip

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggled, "I know you were watching Logan"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "I know I know but I can't help it"

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back, "you've seen me naked already you know i dont mind if you watch me undress"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "They'd take your picture and spread rumors... Are you sure you'd be ok?"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "I know you don't" he smiles and strips two, "Now let me help you"

Castor shrugs, "i don't mind"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia smiled and hugged him, then blushed.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor hugs back, "Your blushing"

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back and giggles, "alright"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Just a habit when you're around..." Sophia chuckled softly.

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods and climbs into the tub, sitting behind her then smiling as he puts one arm around her, purring softly, "this is nice"

Castor smiles and leans over, gently kissing her

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia returned the kiss

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back leaning against him and nodding, "very nice"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor blushes lightly and keeps kissing, moving a little closer to her

Logan nuzzles against her, "i love you"

2009-09-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sophia placed a hand on his cheek, still returning the kiss

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nuzzled back and smiled more, "Love you too"

2009-09-18 [wolvie]: Castor shivers then reluctently breaks the kiss as he feels himself starting to grow excited, he blushes furiously, oh god she's gonna think I'm really perverted now

Logan smiles back and nods then starts gently cleaning Rogue

2009-09-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shivers against Logan.

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